सीखिए Basic Modules of Digital marketing और WordPress द्वारा आसानी से वेबसाइट कैसे बनाते हैं
Anybody can easily learn the concepts of Digital marketing & WordPress.
Hrs of content
Practical Workshop
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The workshop starts Today !!!!!!

Who Can Join This Course
ये Crash Course उन लोगों के लिए बनाया गया है जो अपनी ज़िन्दगी में बदलाव लाना चाहते हैं। कम समय में डिजिटल मार्केटिंग के Basics और Website बनाना सीखकर अपनी इनकम source बढ़ाना चाहते हैं


Job Seeker

What do you learn in this course?
इस easy to access crash bundle कोर्स में Karon Faculty द्वारा developed Recorded video lessons साथ QUIZ भी मिलती हैं जिस से आप doubts clear कर सकते हैं,
It's one of the most updated and practical course out there.

What Can You Do after this Course?
This course opens a plethora of career opportunities for you. To mention a few:
- Job
Nowadays, digital marketing is one of the most valuable and demanding skills in the market. It’s fairly easy to land a job with a starting package of 3 Lacs and more with the knowledge you’ll get in this workshop.
- Freelancing
Freelancing is another great opportunity for digital marketers. You can sell your digital marketing skills acquired in this workshop.
- Marketing agency
With the knowledge you learn from this workshop, you can start a digital marketing agency and offer all these services.
- personal brand
If you’re a business owner, the digital marketing learned through this workshop can help you build your personal brand’s online presence and as a result, expand your business.
- quality leads
As a business owner, using the techniques taught in this workshop, you can get quality leads to sales-generating prospects.
- professionals
Whether you are a graphic designer, a web developer, a content writer, or a professional in any other field, digital marketing comes in quite handy. This workshop enables you to establish your online presence and as a result, get more leads.
How long can I access the course material provided to me?
Can I download the videos provided on the platform?
Why shouldn't I buy some course instead?
How do I get the maximum value out of my investment?
What all courses do you provide?
How do I earn with Karon Digital?
I keep it my first priority to furnish my students with top-of-the-line training and make the process something unforgettable for them.
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